Darius Lakdawalla, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer, USC Schaeffer Center
Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Quintiles Chair in Pharmaceutical Development and Regulatory Innovation, USC Mann School
Professor, USC Price School of Public Policy

Darius Lakdawalla holds the Quintiles Chair in Pharmaceutical Development and Regulatory Innovation at USC, where he sits on the faculties of the USC Schaeffer Center, the USC Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the USC Price School of Public Policy. He is a widely published, award-winning researcher, and a leading authority in both health economics and health policy.
He is currently a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, associate editor for the American Journal of Health Economics and the Journal of Health Economics. He is also an editorial board member at the American Journal of Managed Care: Evidence-Based Diabetes and the American Journal of Managed Care: Evidence-Based Oncology.
Lakdawalla received his PhD in economics from the University of Chicago and his bachelor’s in mathematics and philosophy from Amherst College. His work has been published in leading journals of economics, medicine and health policy.
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USC Today
Obesity and diabetes drugs can catalyze profound changes in your body — and in public health, too
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Bloomberg Law
The first round of Medicare drug negotiations lacked true transparency, Lakdawalla explains
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Inside Health Policy
Medicare CED has potential to boost innovation if applied differently, Lakdawalla says
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Equity should be reflected in assessments of treatment value, Lakdawalla says
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