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Boshen Jiao, PhD, MPH

Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute
Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical & Health Economics, USC Mann School


Boshen Jiao, PhD, MPH, is an Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical & Health Economics at the USC Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. His research focuses on comparative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness analysis, health outcomes research, and value-based pricing and insurance design. His work aims to support medical decision-making and guide health policies across various disease areas.

Jiao has a notable publication record in leading health economics and clinical journals, and his work has been featured in the media on multiple occasions. He has developed a novel method for incorporating productivity into cost-effectiveness analysis, which has been adopted by various organizations and researchers for value assessments.

He has received several academic awards, including the SMDM Lee Lusted Prize and the ISPOR Best Podium Presentation Award. Before joining USC, Jiao worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard University. He received his PhD in Health Economics and Outcomes Research from the University of Washington School of Pharmacy. Additionally, he serves as an editorial board member at PharmacoEconomics.